Labor Grinch Stikes!

Labor Grinch Stikes!
The McGowan Government has announced $64 million in an array of sweeping and damaging cuts to education they say are necessary in the name of budget repair.
One Nation is completely opposed to and condemns all of these job losses and cuts to education. One Nation believes a high standard of education for all children across WA is a vital investment in our state’s future.
One Nation leader Colin Tincknell said he did not believe Labor was thinking ahead, “These cuts to education clearly show Labor doesn’t have WA’s long term future in mind. Closure of institutions and programs such as;
  • School of the Air (SOTA)
  • Tuart and Canning College
  • Moora and Northam Residential Colleges
  • 25% reduction in funding to programs for gifted and talented students
  • Closure of six school camp sites (including Pemberton and Bridgetown)
Add this to the 170 job losses, 70 of whom will be teachers, this can only have a negative impact on the overall quality of WA’s education system.”, he said.
“The Government has used the poor financial record of the Barnett Government as well as their failure to increase the Gold Royalty as the reason for these cuts.” Mr Tincknell says that was never going to help the Government achieve budget repair.
“A Gold Royalty increase would have given the Government $100 million in revenue a year for four years, but would have cost WA billions into the future.” he said, ‘The Government has racked up over $3 billion in debt this year alone, so the fact they are trying to blame the Liberals, Nationals and the Crossbench for their budget because of a $100 million a year hole is a ridiculous”
“The Government has more money to spend than they did last year. They’ve managed to squeeze every last cent they can out of WA families and businesses by increasing fees and charges and slashing services. They’ve raised the cost of living to a point where many who shouldn’t be struggling, are struggling”
“The Premier and Treasurer need to start taking responsibility for their own budget spending and stop trying to blame everyone else for their poor planning and unfunded election promises.”
“This Government doesn’t have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.” Mr Tincknell said.
Government spending is up by over $1.2 billion this year alone. That’s not the last Government’s fault, it’s the current Government’s fault. The truth of the matter is Labor’s first budget is every bit as bad as the Barnett Government’s ever was. One Nation will not stand by and let the Government trash Western Australia’s economy. “
“It‘s clear the Premier’s top priority and only vision for Western Australia is a new railway network for Perth. To pay for it he’s willing to strip away vital and important services right across the rest of WA”

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