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Senate Sells Out Australia for People Smugglers

I’m sorry to have to tell you but yesterday the Senate sold you out. Thanks to the Greens, Derryn Hinch, Centre Alliance (Xenophon), Tim Storer and Labor a bill was passed that will, weaken our bor...

Pauline Hanson Exposes Government Trying To Hide Its Dirty Free Trade Deal

The Government holds Parliament in contempt with trade deal secrecy Today I forced the Government to explain why it ignored the requirement to consult with the Senate in advance of signing the ...

Forecast: Renewable Energy to Cause Summer Blackouts

At a time when power outages are being forecasted due to insufficient dispatchable power in some states this summer, the NSW Liddell Power Station is set for closure by 2022. I’m sorry, but renewab...

Government Gives Another $2 Billion to PNG Instead of Australians

Over the weekend, the Australian Government pledged to join in on giving PNG $2 billion of your money. Don’t worry about the $550 billion (plus) of debt we owe or the hundreds of millions we alread...

Tasmania Goes Genderless – “Girl” & “Boy” Under Attack

The Tasmanian politicians have gone mad and your gender is at stake! By default, gender on birth certificates will now be blank in Tasmania. Labor seems to be all over the place with their policy t...

Peter Georgiou Slams Lack of WA MRI’s

Right now, there are more than 30-thousand people in Kalgoorlie-Boulder who have to travel to Perth by car, bus, train or plane in order to get an MRI scan. If you don’t already know, that’s a 600 ...