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Fishermen Freed from Green Agenda

This week the Labor and the Greens put up a disallowance motion which would have locked out recreation and commercial fisherman from another 1 million square kilometres of coastal waters! This work...

Peter Georgiou: Banks can’t be let off

Peter Georgiou pressed Finance Minister Matthias Cormann for answers on the current Banking Royal Commission. You won’t believe what he said next. The post Peter Georgiou: Banks can’t be let off ap...

One Nation Victoria Registration On Track

In a great success for the party, One Nation Victoria successfully lodged its application for registration for State Politics. The Victorian Electoral Commission will now survey One Nation members ...

Suddenly not Racist: Talking about Immigration

Monday night on 4 Corners, the ABC discussed immigration. It seems it’s ok now days to discuss this topic even though I’ve been hailed down as racist for the past 21 years for doing the same thing....

Loony Greens set their Sights on Cars & Whipper Snippers

Pauline woke up a few hours behind in Western Australia to what felt like a bad dream! Labor want to cut pensioners incomes and the Greens want to take all fuel powered cars off the road in 12 year...

Pauline in WA for Pilbara Tour

Pilbara Tour | Well what a week it’s been! Karratha–>Cloudbreak–>Port Hedland–>Perth. Pauline and Senator Peter Georgiou made their way around the Pilbara talking about the price of energy...